Friday, May 10, 2013


Focus Q 1-how did Anti-Semitism outside of Germany contribute to the problems of Jews in Germany

-Outside groups provided money and support to the Nazi party because of shared antisemitic views prior to WW2. Other antisemitic groups made it hard if not impossible for Jews to escape Germany and find safety.

- Anti-Semitism outside of Germany kept the Jews from being able to escape the Nazis and kept the Jews from being believed as well.

Anti-semitism outside of Germany kept the Jews from being able to escape the Nazis and kept the Jews from being believed as well. - See more at:
Anti-semitism outside of Germany kept the Jews from being able to escape the Nazis and kept the Jews from being believed as well. - See more at:
Anti-semitism outside of Germany kept the Jews from being able to escape the Nazis and kept the Jews from being believed as well. - See more at:

Anti-semitism outside of Germany kept the Jews from being able to escape the Nazis and kept the Jews from being believed as well. - See more at:
 focus Q 2-why do you think the German people went along with the Nazi policy of persecution of Jews?


- I think it was Because Hitler was a powerful speaker and also a manipulator who easily won over people who wanted to please him. Most of the German population did not know about the extermination of the Jews (or they say they didn't) but they were scared of the consequences of speaking out because everybody knew of the rumors of camps and executions.

focus Q 3-"never shall i forget that night.the first night in camp. which has turned my life into one long night,seven times cursed and seven times sealed. never shall i forget that smoke. never shall i forget the little faces of the children,whose bodies i saw turned into wreaths of smoke beneath a silent blue sky.

never shall i forget those flames which consumed my faith forever.
never shall i forget that nocturnal silence which deprived me,for all eternity,of the desire to live.never shall i forget those moments which murdered my god and my soul and turned my dreams to dust. never shall i forget these things, even if i am condemned to live as long as god himself.never.'' Elie Wiesel,quoted in Night.
***Explain this quote***
-The words of Elie Wiesel, winner of the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize, describing his reaction to his first night in the Nazi camp of Birkenau, ‘reception centre’ for the concentration camp at Auschwitz. Those who failed Birkenau’s rudimentary ‘selection’ procedure, including Wiesel’s mother and his little sister, didn’t even live long enough to make it to Auschwitz. With his own eyes, Wiesel saw children being thrown into ditches from which gigantic flames leaped up.

Intro to blogging: read and response & why are blogs better

Well this years commemoration of international youth day does mark the launch of the international year of youth.the youth of today are the future,we can change the world to be safer.people can get closer across generations with different cultures and religion.i think it is good what the United Nations along with its youth organization are doing something that could make our world better.the older generation also learn from the youth as they come of age.

Why are blogs better ?

A blog is a website where you write stuff on a ongoing basis.and using less paper is beneficial to the environment.using blogs have reshaped the world,impacted politics and removed government,and enabled millions of young people to have a voice on the web along with others. A blog lets you have a voice on the web. It's somewhere to collect and share anything. It's more than just putting your thoughts on the web. Having a blog lets you share your personal thoughts and opinions where everyone can see it.

Title: Japan's Pacific Campaign
Focus Q 1 - Explain how Japanese expansionism led to war with the Allies in Asia.

map1.jpg-on December 7,1941, American sailors at pearl harbor awoke to the roar of explosive. a Japanese attack was underway U.S. military leaders had known from a coded Japanese message that an attack might come.but they did not know when or where it would occur.withing two hours, the Japanese had sunk or damaged 19 ships, including 8 battleships,moored in pearl harbor.


 Focus Q 2 - What were the potential advantages and disadvantages to the "island-hop" plan?


-Advantage of the strategy is that usually the Japanese would be surprised and unprepared for the U.S. to attack them and they would probably have a bunch of their soldiers wiped out. However, the Japanese bases could contact each other telling them to prepare for a surprise attack from the US.

-the disadvantage of the plan were that although America had more warships than japan, japan was better equipped and seasoned to deal when a battle at sea. doing island hopping meant that taking on their navy also was a war of attrition.

The potential disadvantages of the "island-hop" plan were that although America had more warships then Japan, Japan was better equipped and seasoned to deal with a battle at sea. Island hopping meant taking on their navy and it was a war of attrition. - See more at:
The potential disadvantages of the "island-hop" plan were that although America had more warships then Japan, Japan was better equipped and seasoned to deal with a battle at sea. Island hopping meant taking on their navy and it was a war of attrition. - See more at:

Focus Q 3 - Why do you think the Japanese changed their approach from trying to win the support of the colonial peoples to acting as conquerors?

- it was Because the "Greater Co-prosperity Sphere" was simply a cover for pure unadulterated imperialism. The British, French and Dutch Colonial Systems were no panacea but, it was a very light hand on the colonies compared to the fist of the Japanese.


Tuesday, May 7, 2013


1) what major events led to world war 2
 . One of the major events that led to ww2 was Germany invading Poland that caused Britain and France to declare war on Germany.               

. Hitler invaded Yugoslavia which fell in 11 days and  and invaded Greece that surrendered in 17 days.

.German forces put Leningrad forces under siege on September 8th by early November,the city was completely cut off from the rest of the Soviet Union

2) Was Germany justified in attacking cargo ship? Explain.
 -Germany was justified in attacking the U.S cargo ships, the us wanted to remain neutral under president Woodrow Wilson's orders. The German's had intelligence that the RMS Lusitania was carrying supplies and ammunition to British forces,The Imperial German Embassy issued a warning in over 50 American newspapers that Lusitania was known to be carrying supplies and would be sunk. Anyone who was traveling on the ship did so at their own risk..

3)What factors do you think a country's leaders consider when declaring whether to surrender or fight?
 -I think the Country's leader should look at his numbers and see how much he as lost and compare it to how much he will lose if he doesn't surrender. if the country has a strong economy and can handle the the cost of war. but if the countries economy is crumbling because of them then they will have to surrender.